Love does not go us vulnerable, it becomes us invencible.

Love has become a drama. And why ?. 

The misguided and popular idea that people suffer for love is somewhat reluctant. That may not be possible, in fact, it is impossible.
Broken hearts that close to never love again. Suicides that die for love ?.
Love is far from suffering. How can someone who loves suffer?

Some many dogmas disguise their holy martyrs of love as a sign to humanity of what awaits the one they love. The end of Jesus can be seen, it is still proudly exhibited in many temples nailed and bleeding on a cross. He died, but not before suffering, for the love of humanity. A certainly tempting love for anyone. For anyone with any mental disorder.

As long as one continues to believe in the idea that love brings suffering to the person's life, but that it is worth it because it makes him human and blah, blah, the world will be a nightmare for those who want to live with that idea.

Talking about unconditional love is a redundancy, because love in itself is never conditional and if it is, naturally, it is not love.

And it is precisely that pseudo love that causes suffering. But it is simply because it is not loving at all.

That which is called love is associated with a kind of balance where you first deposit your part waiting for a counterpart of the same weight (according to the own estimate). Another possibility is the other way around, if others give me first, I feel in debt and I seek to return them, to those and not to others.

Or, it may be the case of those who sacrifice themselves for other judged weak, unfortunate and unable to perform on their own, and those only it is given and that fact magnifies the person (ego) because she is giving to those unable to return her in the same measure, that way it seems to be full of love.

Definitely, no one who belittles, in any way, to another, may be feeling love. The mere fact of seeing suffering, unease, poverty, hatred, perdition, etc. It shows that whoever looks has an interior devoid of love and judges it outside.

We project what we feel and feel what we project, because that is how the mind works.

"It is not outside what is not inside."

Looking with pity and pain to someone will not convey love, it will not make him feel better, it will only give him the confirmation and aggravation of his situation, wich can be devastated by someone who feel love.

Hardly anyone can define love, because it does not have a specific form. It may be believed that someone friendly, warm, charitable or loving, loves, but is not necessarily so.

Love does not take preset forms and judged as loving.

There is a phrase that says: "Love me when I least deserve it because that is when I need it most."

And sometimes it happens that people are so convinced that they don't deserve to be loved that any hint of love puts them on the defensive and identifies it as an attack.

Love can take the form of an attack for the one who self-condemns, for whatever reason, and seeks to reinforce that condemnation at every moment.

It could be said that love is more like selfishness. That feeling that first looks inward and then seeks its own well-being. It seems crazy, but it is not.

All religious-moral education struggled to burn the idea that being selfish is bad. One must think of others even before oneself. And how is one supposed to think of others if it is not others or their feelings?

You can get to perceive others and experience empathy, even so, the contagion effect of those who are wrong for those who are eventually well is not much use.

Love manifests itself in unexpected ways and is incompatible with the moral judgment of reason.

And if there is anything true, we should not strive to love because in that sense it shares the nature of the dream. If we think about falling asleep, if we strive to sleep, we don't succeed, but if we simply fall into sleep without resistance, we fall asleep.

Love manifests itself when we stop resisting to it.


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