If you are a person who is having thyroid problems, pay attention to this note.
There is a habit that was imposed on us by popular custom and belief result of misinformation or rather, bad-information.
There is a habit that was imposed on us by popular custom and belief result of misinformation or rather, bad-information.

Many years ago the effects that fluoride has on the thyroid gland are known, which is responsible for maintaining the metabolic rate of the body in general, and for the regulation of growth and development.
Since all metabolically active cells require thyroid hormone for proper operation, the affects it can have a wide range of effects in almost all body systems.
That said, you can understand why brushing your teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride is not a healthy habit. While it may beneficially influence fluoride on your teeth, this does not justify the deterioration of the entire endocrine system.
One of the reasons why the teeth are affected is acid saliva or cavities caused by bacteria. A simple and inexpensive solution to this is to change or brushing with fluoride swish by swish with baking soda. Brushing can be done with just water.
Power affects in two ways, one, when chewing food and saliva. If it is acidic food is convenient, then alkalize the mouth so that the acidity does not wear tooth enamel and does not allow bacteria which cause tooth decay and bad breath develop.
The other way it affects food, is a diet with an appropriate calcium to help maintain bone structure of the entire body in good condition, including the teeth.
".... Now, when I see how people interpret the literature, I usually see are heavily influenced by their own area, their own specialty and usually do not take much into account evidence from other specialties ..." Dr. Jaminet says.
This is possibly the case with dentists, they only see the teeth, but do not consider the damage they can do with their advice on commonly used fluorine.
This is an example of what is said:

"How do I know if the level of fluoride ingested is enough?
If drinking water is fluoridated, regular brushing with fluoridated tooth paste is enough for children and adults with healthy teeth and low susceptibility to caries.
If your water is not fluoridated community and does not have enough fluoride naturally (the optimal value is one part per million), your dentist or pediatrician prescribe fluoride tablets or drops for children to take daily. Your dentist can tell you the right amount of fluoride for your family, therefore, ask about it and he will advise you. "
It is proving that small amounts of fluoride are sufficient to cause a lot of damage in the body.
Effects of Fluoride on health:
In water, air, plants and animals are present small amounts of fluorine. As a result, humans are exposed to fluoride from food and drinking water and breathe the air. Fluoride can be found in any food in relatively small amounts. You will find large amounts of fluoride in tea and seafood.
Fluoride is essential for maintaining the strength of our bones. Fluoride can also protect us from dental decay, if applied with toothpaste twice a day. If fluoride is absorbed too often can cause tooth decay, osteoporosis and damage to the kidneys, bones, nerves and muscles.
The industries release the gaseous fluorine. This gas is very dangerous, because in high concentrations can cause death. In low concentrations may cause irritation of the eyes and nose. http://www.lenntech.es/periodica/elementos/f.htm
Excerpts from the article "The daily activity of every middle aged woman should care" by Dr. Joseph Mercola "Surprisingly small amounts of fluorine can change your thyroid function
Altered thyroid function is associated with the ingestion of fluoride fluoride as low as 0.05-0.1 mg per kilogram body weight per day (mg / kg / day), or 0.03 mg / kg / day with iodine deficiency. The increased prevalence of goiter (> 20 percent) is associated with the ingestion of fluoride 0.07-0.13 mg / kg / day, or 0.01 mg / kg / day with iodine deficiency. 4
Still more disturbing, however, is the dose of fluoride in children.
For a 14 kg (30 pounds), the intake of fluoride greater than 0.7 mg per day (or 0.14 mg per day with iodine deficiency) puts the child at risk of endocrine dysfunction. The EPA (2010) estimated that children in this weight range (1-3 years) consumed more than 1.5 mg of fluoride each day, or more than twice the amount needed to induce alteration of thyroid function, even with adequate iodine intake.
These chronic exposures can have profound and long-lasting in the intellectual, physical, social, sexual and general development of children effects.
Numerous studies have found a relationship between the relatively low to moderate levels of fluoride exposure and reduced IQ in children. Even fluoride levels less than 1.0 mg / L have been associated with reduced IQ and increased frequency of hypothyroidism in children suffering from iodine deficiency. "
If your city water company water treatment using fluorine, move, inform and meet with neighbors, or consult to health and neighborhood institutions and request the company to stop these practices.
"I think there are many people who have developed health problems because of bad advice offered by government authorities and medical facilities ..." Dr. Jaminet says.
(*) It is known that the best way to alienate people is from childhood. To check, see this site http://www.colgate.com.ar/app/BrightSmilesBrightFutures/AR/HomePage.cvsp
Más información sobre los efectos del flúor.
- Use Baking Soda (Dr.Mercola)
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