Sexuality, society and health.

It is not so usual that the issue of sexuality be analyzed wisely and clearly, so as to provide information to people who casually are sexed and do not usually have too much present this fact and its influence on daily life.

Sexuality is not a feature of a few sexually active, not limited to the sexual act itself, but is much more encompassing even of children.

Everyone who walked this blessed planet we come from sex,if it were not for this we would have no life, there would be no life. It is as vital and important as natural.

Unfortunately, it has been badly treated in different ways, on the one hand, religious morality has led it to a lower and decadent point which dirty and condemns souls , and secondly, have magnified and taken to the point of become it almost mandatory. It marks a rare condition, qualifying encompassing the "cleverness", "intelligence", "superiority", etc.. It is known that any animal or insect (rats, cockroaches, ants, pigs, monkeys, etc.). do not require many skills or qualities to mate. Though some are noteworthy Hummingbird Courtship of spatula.

The psychological work done was so outrageous that becomes hard to regain some of normal.

Societies ill of hypocrisy bombarded with stimulants, suggestive and explicit images that tap a multimedia artillery literally allow you to alter the sexuality of consumers of such emissions.

Then, in life outside the idiot box, things are different. People take to the streets full of stimuli and desires that must be contained or repressed because a civilized society does not allow, broad daylight and in view of all, sexual outbursts.

And without giving too much importance to this phenomenon, which can be considered pathetic and offbeat, we present an overview of the sexual nature of people and their implication on health, with the idea of mobilizing a concern for self-knowledge and dispel false human stereotypes.

We must consider that it can be somewhat complex theme as delving too deeply into the different areas that englobes.

First, we need to start paying attention to biological cycles, which like any animal, happen. While this cycle seems more noticeable in women, are present at everyone, and if not identified and take precautions, sometimes can be traumatic.

It seems that things were reversed, in the sense that people respond to their desires and feelings rather than these to people.

Although, the rush of hormone in blood has effects creating variables mood cycles, one have the ability to consciously observe and remember that this is a particular period, and know that this inexplicable sadness or euphoria, are fleeting and so placing mind a little further, for any emotion. Not in order to control, but with the intention of regaining autonomy and will.

If the person responds to her emotions unconsciously, is enslaved. Sexual freedom as promoted recently is not real, is part of the fact that people today in many societies do not exercise control over their emotions and come almost like an animal in jealousy.

And that approach is clearly unhealthy, in the simple fact that it ceases to be a pleasure to become an addiction.

There is a direct relationship in the case of women and their menstrual cycle health. And they usually get off defenses which brings about ailments and discomfort, for themselves and those around you in this cycle.

There's something ironic about this, is that no one mentions women this fact that typical pain or suffering many women are NOT natural.

The female body requires a lot of water prior to the cycle, so, if is not given to it, the result is pain and low defenses.

The solution is simple, hydrating the body enough in the previous step, that is, every day it should pay attention to the amount of pure water that is being taken.

It is also important to exercise the body, accompanied with soft deep breathing exercises. Search sit cross-legged (Chinaman type), lengthen the spine and getting massages in the legs and arms.

Children often experience their sexuality quite differently to the adults way, the best it can do for them is to leave them. They are not perverts or moral, are natural and living their desires as a game. If they touch their genitals, let them, kissing, let them. If they do not want to kiss, let them.

Allow to them to walk naked and no longer be implemented foolish ideas about the body. In fact nudity has many health benefits, starting with the mind when feel the experienced of freedom, mainly of prejudice.

The sexual life of the people is reflected in the company even though it is something of privacy. It is not hard to see why people have a satisfying sex life, his temper more than anything.

Sexuality can be linked to discouraged and its opposite, hyperactivity, whatever the case means that there is imbalance so it is advisable to moderate the extremes.

The downhearted person must have the mental strength and the will to develop, generating ideas and things that excite and draw from that state. Walking or dancing can help.

For overactive productively use energy, direct it into rewarding tasks, creative thinking, generate ideas and is also good exercise, dancing and jogging or walking.

Sexuality is inherent like intelligence, first there's has to know it to know how to develop it and put our service.

Sexuality does not make people happy, know to balance it, will allow life easier, sure, with more chances to experience happiness from a state of alertness and receptivity, free from addictions, hiperemotividad, apathy or discouragement.

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