In ancient times, sick people was condemning because it thought that diseases were divine punishment for their sinful thoughts or acts (*). So if someone sick, was excluded, discriminated and even socially condemned or expelled from the community.
Something was sensed for people of this time, about diseases, but wrongly condemned to the sick person, and this attitude, at once and without a doubt, caused illnesses and / or diseases.
The ideas and beliefs of a time if refined can be useful. And taking this idea that the disease originates in an environment that could be the thoughts and / or malicious acts, one can take the initiative to begin to detect these low feelings and becoming a witness of them, without condemning or rejecting, thus one can dissociate from them as they are not part of conscious thought.
Conscious thought is the one that gives us health and something definitely not least, freedom.
It often happens that external situations cause reactions in people, without measure, without "thinking", viscerally act, automatically, causing damage. But that damage is not unidirectional, but also affects the precursor deep inside.
When a person acts like an automaton, then when he realizes, starts having an internal struggle that put to him totally far from peace. Judge and the lawyer start to discuss in his head, the judge, guilt and condemns the attitude, the lawyer, defends and justifies a previous attack ".... caused me, he deserved it."
And this mental performance, health is inevitably lost.
When a person becomes aware of what he is capable of thinking, feeling and willing basely, takes a big step in self-knowledge.
The problem occurs when this conscious presence begins to show all those things that we refuse to see in ourselves and project onto others unconsciously, automatically cease to blame others and we condemn ourselves.
Sick people are condemning to themselves through the prevailing moral at the time. Just meet someone in who put their trust to forgive them, caused healing by relief and release that guilt.
Without wishing to offend any religious idea, it is an action that we consider appropriate to signify that things remain the same.
Self-criticism and self-condemnation are getting sick the world .
From ConSumaSalud propose as an efficient "method" for to recover as maintain health:
- sincere forgiveness of all those things that are discovered within the states of reflection,
- the exercise of consciousness, especially when it comes to the relationship with other people and
- avoid damning judgments, since the reflection of they creates internal fault.
When this feeling of being clean and innocent is transmitted to, always empathetic, children, they will arrange to carry, naturally, this internal health to the future of humanity.
Children are authentic and thanks to the absence of hypocrisy, externalize all those thoughts that the adults hidden.
Teaching from children to not to condemn their actions and thoughts morally, instead, become in someone who observe them, and when deemed appropriate, provide education from what children experience in these acts. Guide them so that their lives do not accumulate guilt, but rather, they are made of understanding of what is human feeling and its possibilities.
Any fault can be removed sincerely forgiving. At first seem a difficult exercise because of the resistance generated by the mind, not withdraw from the desire to experience the innocence and wellness, help you pass the first steps on the path of forgiveness, self-forgiveness.
(*) In ancient Hebrew the word sin could be interpreted as missing or absent. What is the same to say, not being aware of what you do or think.
Those who knew that unconscious acts were not the guilty parties, forgiveness simply used as a tool to return the state never lost, the innocence.
Those who knew that unconscious acts were not the guilty parties, forgiveness simply used as a tool to return the state never lost, the innocence.
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