
The human body is a community of bacteria, fungi and viruses that coexist without problems in a healthy body, because they are in balance and doing their job for our daily functionality.
These microorganisms play an important role in functions such as nutrition and defense system, among many others. If we were told that there are over 10,000 types of microorganisms coexisting in a healthy body without damaging it would not be very credible, however studies scientists yielded these results.

This is important information that reveals and reinforces the idea of health from equilibrium, where communities of living organisms which live together in harmony and collaboratively bring health to the body.

Although the approach that medicine is given from this situation, is to seek what organisms are better and more suitable for health, from ConSumaSalud are considering that health is the starting balance.

"A deeper understanding of how the ecosystem of a healthy human being will be tremendously valuable to better understand why an unbalanced microbiome is associated with diseases." Dirk Gevers.

Although, are not knowing yet, why body may have certain pathogens in the and not harm it, the answer is surely that the body is living in harmony, and this avoids disease, although the pathogen enters in the body.

The question might be how this community is balanced?, And maybe the answer has to do with what has already been mentioned in this blog.

A person who is defined to live in peace and does all tending to make this happen, its organisms would appreciate and respond to the mental state of the person.

Clearly emotional imbalances involve discomfort and often result in disease, it is not uncommon to associate with this kind of imbalance in the microbial community that inhabits our body.

Maybe people should teach consciously, from our attitudes of harmonious coexistence with the world around us to our microorganisms that will surely imitate.

A person may decide not to disturb nature attacking our co-inhabitants of the world, such as plants, animals, insects, minerals, metals, water, air, soil, fungi, bacteria and viruses, maybe, in this way, can live in health and peace.

Maybe one of our debts with life is to respect life itself in all its forms.
It would be a great feat be able to barter fear of the living inhabitants in the planet by the respect and gratitude for their lives and their role in this world that needs all of us.

As a kind of mental exercise that informs the internal community the desire to love and respect life in all its expression and not fear.



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