What sense is planted and feeds obviously the idea of victimhood of a sex subdued by another?, as if we were in the middle ages and had not already scientific studies that explain the mechanics of phenomena such as violence in some people discounting that this is not exclusively male.
Violence is expressed in a very personal, depending on the mental and physical characteristics of the individual.
Women often have a more delicate physical and less physical strength because their femininity dissipated interest in developing these capabilities that do develop naturally and artificially many men and of course, some women also.
Not necessarily a man, who is conscious of his physical strength greater than the woman, abused. Most common fact is that man tend to protect and use his physical capabilities (if he has) to benefit for women.
A woman has other skills, appropriate to their sex, that is mental and is not always known to them, and therefore used fairly unconscious and even inappropriate.
Woman tends to subdue from mental manipulation that is another way of violence and little considered, as it leaves no visible marks and punishable by law.
Violence is expressed in a very personal, depending on the mental and physical characteristics of the individual.
Women often have a more delicate physical and less physical strength because their femininity dissipated interest in developing these capabilities that do develop naturally and artificially many men and of course, some women also.
Not necessarily a man, who is conscious of his physical strength greater than the woman, abused. Most common fact is that man tend to protect and use his physical capabilities (if he has) to benefit for women.
A woman has other skills, appropriate to their sex, that is mental and is not always known to them, and therefore used fairly unconscious and even inappropriate.
Woman tends to subdue from mental manipulation that is another way of violence and little considered, as it leaves no visible marks and punishable by law.
The females are usually pretty reckless with their skills and capabilities creating environments that turn against them, as they move unconsciously too many time, deny all responsibility's. .
Is more ussual to see, in society, men mentally subjected their women who have an important mental power which, few men, that are revealed. Instead many opt for a submissive attitude and accommodating. They opt for the hypocrisy and lies.
In this article will not be put in position of victim to either sex, it would be a blatant lie, will only place the responsibility of every person and draw attention to those who, in bad way, are looking for benefit of to plant these ideas with intent and premeditation , thus preventing those women who feel victimized can become aware of what things are causing to be violated or abused, and treated with seriousness and understanding their problem.
Battered woman ( There are also battered men), usually psychic imprints that force a life subjected to violence and abuse of others, and thus to condemn and imprison all offenders, always will break through this situation in your life to be repeated over and again.
For this, there are battered women, who if are consulted and try to know them may find that they have a history of family violence, where were battered and / or abused from child, causing damage and marks on his mind, what from unconsciousness to shape their thinking and actions that demand, out of necessity, be beaten.
Is more ussual to see, in society, men mentally subjected their women who have an important mental power which, few men, that are revealed. Instead many opt for a submissive attitude and accommodating. They opt for the hypocrisy and lies.
In this article will not be put in position of victim to either sex, it would be a blatant lie, will only place the responsibility of every person and draw attention to those who, in bad way, are looking for benefit of to plant these ideas with intent and premeditation , thus preventing those women who feel victimized can become aware of what things are causing to be violated or abused, and treated with seriousness and understanding their problem.
Battered woman ( There are also battered men), usually psychic imprints that force a life subjected to violence and abuse of others, and thus to condemn and imprison all offenders, always will break through this situation in your life to be repeated over and again.
For this, there are battered women, who if are consulted and try to know them may find that they have a history of family violence, where were battered and / or abused from child, causing damage and marks on his mind, what from unconsciousness to shape their thinking and actions that demand, out of necessity, be beaten.
If the maturity govern people, they don't continue to trying to correct, from the legislation, that never solved anything to anyone, the mental disorders that lead someone to hit and others to be struck , but justify that many, who unknowingly lead a honorable life nor wise, have The nerve to judge the lives of others, condemning or giving solutions from a decadent atmosphere, so limited as it is today, the legislature.
Organizing talks fashion themes. |
If those who have the office that supports them, would truly improve the lives of people, would act accordingly, would head directly to those who have the knowledge of how to treat these social pathologies and would ask for advice on what would be best to start making these behaviors disappear and certainly one of the suggested measures would be that stop promoting the "gender violence", the way as advertising labeled it, taking as first step, training to media communicators about social psychology, sociology, neurology, and other disciplines of the mind, to reduce, in this way, ignorance and idiosyncrasies and stop pushing, through the mass media, personal ideas that cause disastrous effects on society.
For those people who are being hit or are hitter and they no longer want to live like this, they may decide to change his life, but this will only happen if you are looking for ways to clean these brain imprints, not underestimating their situation nor condemning.
For those people who are being hit or are hitter and they no longer want to live like this, they may decide to change his life, but this will only happen if you are looking for ways to clean these brain imprints, not underestimating their situation nor condemning.
As a first step to the start of the change is necessary to know that :
- are not guilty and shall not accept the condemnation of anyone,
- are not victims and should not seek the conviction of anyone, that makes the situation worse,
- all is not lost, there is always a chance if you truly want it.
- responsibility must be accepted and with it, the power to handle the situation more authority over acts.
- eventually, can advised to therapists who may use techniques such as EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing).
- Access literature explaining what mental pathology is affecting them and how to overcome it, recommended books could be: Emotional Healing David Servan or You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.
- Resorting to aid groups.,
Obviously, this is an article too short for what could be; the phenomenon such as violence can not be generalized, but if someone finds in this paper the possibility of seeing and approaching things differently with the conviction to take into their own hands a change of life, who considers worthy, know you have the support of those who advocate for a world more authentic, awake, peaceful and healthy.
PS: as you can find on the web Associations of victims of domestic violence law. Apparently he found the weak side of the law and false allegations are a new instrument of injustice.
(*) (*) The big question is: what would happen with the rulers, judges, police, hierarchs "religious", etc.. if people learn to live together in peace?. misery's people hold the institutions of governance and control, and the solution will not be born from this last because that implies his disappearance. And the fear to disappear is one of the biggest precursors of chaos and bad life. The sense of survival comes into play, and it does not have to do with life, but with the identification to a lifestyle (although miserable and unworthy) do not want it to end. Excerpt from: The modus operandi of governments and their members, sick.
Some argue that Gandhi was a violent personality. Yes, just like it sounds.
According count, Gandhi was a great thinker, philosopher and politician, admired and recognized by many people in India and the world, had a teaching something violent.
Whenever one of his followers proceeded in an equivocal way, Gandhi said something like, "I have been mistaken in something for you proceeded in this way" and fasting.
So word spread that the teacher fasted because of a disciple, so the person was convicted and despised socially.
This method is really violent, a blow would have been much more liberating, but physical violence is uncivilized, so it is more frequent recourse to mental violence. Someone like Gandhi could not have the pleasure of beating a pupil to accommodate his ideas, but evidently, he did not lack desire, but as he had a developed mind, settled teaching methods and became more sophisticated, but still remained violent .
(*) (*) The big question is: what would happen with the rulers, judges, police, hierarchs "religious", etc.. if people learn to live together in peace?. misery's people hold the institutions of governance and control, and the solution will not be born from this last because that implies his disappearance. And the fear to disappear is one of the biggest precursors of chaos and bad life. The sense of survival comes into play, and it does not have to do with life, but with the identification to a lifestyle (although miserable and unworthy) do not want it to end. Excerpt from: The modus operandi of governments and their members, sick.
Some argue that Gandhi was a violent personality. Yes, just like it sounds.
According count, Gandhi was a great thinker, philosopher and politician, admired and recognized by many people in India and the world, had a teaching something violent.
Whenever one of his followers proceeded in an equivocal way, Gandhi said something like, "I have been mistaken in something for you proceeded in this way" and fasting.
So word spread that the teacher fasted because of a disciple, so the person was convicted and despised socially.
This method is really violent, a blow would have been much more liberating, but physical violence is uncivilized, so it is more frequent recourse to mental violence. Someone like Gandhi could not have the pleasure of beating a pupil to accommodate his ideas, but evidently, he did not lack desire, but as he had a developed mind, settled teaching methods and became more sophisticated, but still remained violent .
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