Fear and Automatic psychology.

A popular saying goes something like, "The more people know, the more I love my dog." A sad but very popular phrase, both in theory and in practice.

The truth is that hardly anyone really knows someone, instead, it has achieved compliance with  do a biased and thorough psychological analysis of  who is "meant" to know.

Automatic psychology of  recognition is one of the most flawed methods born of the mind as a tool for knowledge, for simple reasons, it hasn't accurate basis or causes certainty thus ensures live in constant fear.

The best way of to choose not to be at peace and being loved, is psychoanalyze everything and everyone, including one's personality.

This mechanism of psychology is not even voluntary, and of course, anyone who discovered the disastrous results it causes, would never choose to practice voluntarily.

It is an automatic mental mechanism available to the fear. Fear is constant vigilance, to guard the ego or personality which feels first divided and then attacked. This is how fear is the watchman of the personality not welfare.

Blame goes to attack.

There is a phrase that says: "In my defenselessness my safety lies."

When guilt is experienced is very likely that the first reaction is the defense, and there are those who say there is no better defense than attack. That's how it is very common to see that when a person experiences guilt her way of expressing the defense is attacking and / or justifying their attitudes blaming others.

Guilt is a harmful and very difficult to eradicate feeling. It could be considered as a ghost feeling, a spectrum that can only exist in the dark, far from consciousness.

If the person experiencing guilt should realize his ignorance, since she is unaware of the real causes, their consequences and development, she would become aware of how foolish the judgment is and the condemnation of attitudes.

Demystifying celibacy.

The sexual nature of the human race derived from the animal, whose survival instinct leads him to reproduction and finding in this the evolution, seems to be opposed to celibacy, a somewhat distorted and misunderstood sexual practice.

It seems apropos the interpretation of Genesis that some do, and of the many writings considered sacred and base of different "religious" dogmas, where sexuality or sexual act is considered to impure, sinful and contrary to the sacred.

This, clearly, is neither a healthy nor proper interpretation. Because if there is a God who create sexed creatures and laying the golden rule of do not copulate, but with "freedom" to choose (will), surely God would be a morbid and somewhat sick.

However, the practice of celibacy is a sexual practice but something different from the known, it has not to do with pleasure and / or reproduction but with transcendence.

This practice is not known among animals, because a natural reason, they are not as evolved and do not have a conscience as human beings. It is this consciousness which moves some to want to transcend the animal experiencing so, that possibility.

You can not embark on the challenge of becoming celibate from a moral view, believing that this will make you more holy or elevated than others who do not even care about do it, which is totally valid.

Paranoia. The silent war.

The mind often looks like too much an statistical information processor that delivers calculations with great speed, makes assumptions and, despite this processes being, generally, based on illusion, they have a decisive influence on the feelings, procedure and decisions of people .

The paranoia is present chronically with varying intensity, thanks to these gifts of mental processing misused. This is because, more than anything, the defense mechanism is activated when the person do not love to herself.

While paranoia is considered mental illness when certain acuity develops, it is clear that it is a mass phenomenon, for the simple reason that self-love is absent.

It is easier to fear of cancer than do something about it.

Cancer demonstrates the usual and common phenomenon of fear of the unknown. It is a issue of wonder, what happens with fear when knowledge emerges?, Or what is the same, what happens to darkness when light comes on?.

This disease has become a fear shared by those who fear ill, and an experience shared by many who have gone through it.

Never was there so much global agreement and with the consent of the thought of fearing the cancer. Why is this?, promotion perhaps?.

The media and a wide range of institutions, scientific and non-scientific, have undertaken the task of promoting this disease from fear, when paradoxically is known that is fear what feeds greatly to disease.

Without wishing to engage in nonsense speculation or conspiracy theory or anything, it is impossible not to mention what this disease evidently means for the current system structures.