Female, male. Gender violence?.

violenciagráficaOne sometimes, wonders where these fashions of justice come from, ignorantly facing issues of living with mediocre and simplistic methods that do not lead to solve, or even to improve nothing to the lives of people, but feeds differences and therefore the violence.    

What sense is planted and feeds obviously the idea of victimhood of a sex subdued by another?, as if we were in the middle ages and had not already scientific studies that explain the mechanics of phenomena such as violence in some people discounting that this is not exclusively male.

Violence is expressed in a very personal, depending on the mental and physical characteristics of the individual.

Women often have a more delicate physical and less physical strength because their femininity dissipated interest in developing these capabilities that do develop naturally and artificially many men and of course, some women also.

Not necessarily a man, who is conscious of his physical strength greater than the woman, abused. Most common fact is that man tend to protect and use his physical capabilities (if he has) to benefit for women. 

The modus operandi of governments and their members, sick.

The theme is not original at all, being so notorious the situation of governments, which leave much to be desired, both in its upper echelons as the lowest.

Governments around the world are, like it or not, very impregnated with two key attributes, economics and ego.

Unfortunately, we have reached the point where political leaders ( with rare exceptions ) highlight in their persons the idiosyncrasies of a people that holds them. We say unfortunately because this fact indicates that the solution ( if any ) is not so simple. For that to solve governments must necessarily address the mentality of a people or at least the majority.

The dark side of ecology.

This science has been, like so many things, misrepresented, misused, used as an excuse to support actions by different agencies, or to disguise actions against the very planet.

It is known that the word ecology is reputable and it seems that everything that is done in her name is good, but we know that is not so right.

It is apparently a very useful gadget for people who want to promote themselves politically, self vainglory as defenders of nature and / or market pseudo-ecological products, environmental labeling their speeches.

The past does not define us.

" There is no psychology, there is only biography and autobiography . "

" Among the animals is "eat or be eaten" among humans, "define or be defined ".

Thomas Szasz . .

Psychoanalysis in many societies became one of the most, how to say it?, routine things. When ask to a person to make a list with the activities she does during the week, it is difficult to find one that does not say - go to therapy - referring to psychoanalysis. To the extent that it is making contact with people, one of the first things one become aware is how many make therapy, to the point of seems to be rare that person who says do not go to psychoanalisis sesion because it has not the need.

This phenomenon, like all things, it is not coincidence, has a cause or origin and is not the stressful of to live in society, since in the past people didn't pass wonderfull times. All time had its complications, this is not a worse, in fact some argue that these times should be better.

Romanticism, promoted dream.

We will not talk about of the historical origins of Romanticism, nor discuss of the fact that wonderful artistic works was born in the Romantic age. 

Only we will focus on contemporary romanticism seen from an unusual perspective, from its dark side. 

Was talk earlier about the damage caused by social models , the romance aspect is purposely implemented in modern society where media promotion and encouragement of this human aspect is very strong, either by the acceptance that has and profits it generates for the film industry , music, stuffed animals, perfumes, editorials, florists, jewelers, religious temples, party's halls, etc.. or effect that causes constant cyclothymia necessary to sustain society in its current situation, that is, discontent and constant search.

Lying is not inevitable, but it hurts.

Lie is instituted in societies that forced the "perfect" human, ie perfect for societies.

Seems not to be possible be truthful and, at the same time, survive to society.

Husbands should lie, employees and bosses must lie, parents and children should lie, politicians, police, students, educators, lawyers, psychologists, marketers, scientists, scientistic, etc.. can not avoid lying, because there is a social character to hold and that comes only with the lie, because otherwise, people would simple people. Lying, as I said, is instituted and is the cornerstone holding to the societies as histrionic hypocrisy situation that ruins the life and health of their inhabitants, and for what?.

The sadness deepens.

Who dares to see the beautiful face of the sadness without sticking to her?.
This feeling so human that, appearing in all of the world's population, is putting at the same level and go equating to each and every one,  placing to them in a deep place in which it is recalled that there is a state where truth takes value.

When this feeling comes through the mind, compressing the chest and bringing forth tears, life changes its hue. The color saturation and flashes in the life of a person, inexplicably, loses its power and beauty in the eyes of a being in the state of sadness.

Jealousy, a symptom that we're Loving?.

Can a feeling so harmful, be born of love?.
Obviously, there is a distortion of the idea of what love is.

Maybe love is a feeling too pure and lofty as to be sure what is and how it feel for one person and their limitations, but may know what is not.

Then we take it for granted that those who experience jealousy does it for lack of love and not for his presence.

Dispel the classic idea we have of that jealousy is a sign that we love and are loving us, it is extremely important to recognize that in reality we do not know The love, and the impediment is the false idea that we have of him .

Believe that we are loving is what prevents us from loving, knowing that we ignore what is love really open the door to the unknown and the possibility of experiencing a feeling so sublime as can be love.

The power that money brings.

There is a strong link, in today's world, between money and power. Now, the power of what?.

Once, I read a tip given by a father to his son and said something like, "from time to time, take a bill from your wallet and looking it intently say: This bill is mine. Thus let it clear which of both is the owner. "

People seem to have lost, after so long, the true sense of the existence of the money that is no longer a means to become an end.

One night we walked with my nine year old niece who had given her for her birthday a bill of fifty. I was surprised when she said, "I wish to have one hundred".

I, who knew she did not have much idea of ​​money, asked her what it was for. And I was not surprised with the response, she just said: "to have one."

So I took the opportunity and made this pose:

Imagine that at the moment you start to feel hungry, you have a hundred but no one will change it for food, what do you do?.

She replied, "I can not even eat because it is toxic."

That is the value of money. None. The money is only worth when you trade it for something. The value is in the people, the important "thing" is people, it is to them to have to assess over your money.