Abortion. Does life can be interrupted?.

There is a conceptual dilemma at the moment to talk about life. Limiting life to the human body is creating problems. Problems that are always take the same paths and until it is put in perspective and sincerely decide to stop creating them will not finish.

The abortion is one of those problems unnecessarily created by prisoners of their passions to judge and condemn others invent reasons that even threaten their own ideology.

If someone would ask us that we define life, we would be in trouble. Life is something that exists and manifests in the universe in different ways. Anyway we will try to make an analogy in order to try to represent the phenomenon of life manifested in a human body.

In this representation it symbolizes life with the air which enters the water without losing its essence. It is for this that after entering the water begins its journey on the rise looking to rejoin the air without limitations. 

The air, for a moment, was "separated" from the whole to form a single bubble in an environment like water. 

The bubble is life always and forever even if stop to be a bubble. 

With this analogy is intended to provide a different view of life, which is not limited and always will find a way to express, because it is an unstoppable and unlimited force. 

Life does not begin or end in a womb, or a bacterium, or a person. These are only limited demonstrations

The human mind wanted to give a sacred meaning to life but in the wrong sense because still needing to magnify human life for self-satisfaction and insecurity. 

The abortions are more common than it think, most occur spontaneously and others caused by the decision of the woman who decides to have not a child for whatever reason. 

The abortions are more common than one think, most occur spontaneously and others caused by the decision of the woman who decides to have not a child for whatever reason. 

In both cases, what is stopped is the birth of a human being, which does not mean death. 

But, following the idea of killing a human being, it could be said that from the time the birth takes place (bubble), began his road to death (rise to rejoin the air). This indicates that with birth is giving  to the baby's life his death sentence, which may occur from a moment to other.

Regardless of these attempts to soften the rigid idea of life and release a bit to humanity of melodrama of death, we will pass to the moral phase of this matter. 

Religious morality implanted in society cause a lot of damage, especially to the holders of the judgments who do not realize that condemning to others  are creating to themselves foolish and unnecessary weighing and discomfort. For the simple reason that they would be getting into matters that do not concern them. 

Those prisoners of extreme moralism, reveal the contempt felt by humans, life and sex at the moment to quench their thirst speaking disparagingly of those pregnant women who intend to terminate the pregnancy. They ought to know that this is a reflection of an inner feeling that has nothing to do with compassion, nor peace, nor life. 

Politicians who for derisory issues, are responsible to govern and rule, are a reflection of popular thought, as it can not be otherwise. 

If you are legalizing civil unions between same sex in many countries, it is because a majority of the population feels that it is valid. 

The political entity is not going to get against the popular thought, this is why people,  individually and collectively, are who evolve and, actually, govern. 

People with no government or religious hierarchies are who will decide if abortion must remain a matter of condemning women, or not.

The woman who feels upset at the thought of having a child should not be forced to be a mother. Because there is no good that can emerge to force two people, mother and child to interact and lead a life together. A life in which all the pundits disappear once achieve their mission: the delivery.

Needless to say that what we call life is but a journey which can be very short or very long for one and other, but not necessarily mean living alive. And it's not something that is spoken when bringing another life into the world.

Instead of putting all of society in a position to judge could resort to something more benevolent and is return the value of women as mothers, something that economic and commercial society of business-professional-intellectual success, destroyed creating denigrating ideologies as feminist. Thus allowing those women who choose to be mothers, be for them a priority and a pleasure and not a social condemnation.

If they want to make laws, make laws to recover the value of the passive and feminine. Take back the role of the mother but not with ridiculous commercial days and new age thinking, creating a pathetic mother stereotype. 

Create environments where pregnant women can interact and share experiences. Give them a society where they feel joy of bringing a child into the world and not fear what will become of their lives. 

Give them a society that do not appropriates of the children, deciding what and how to educate them, sowing mediocre educational content and not allowing other options.

"When you have a child, the world has a hostage." Ernest Hemingway

Born children  must be very strong to break through into this world. Coping with fear and ignorance of society mounted on pillars absurd. 

And finally, we do not want to leave out the man on the issue of abortion. 

As obviously will be the woman who decide whether or not to go ahead with the pregnancy, because it is true that her body is involved in the process, although is often the decision is of both, it can happen that man wants to be father. 

In that case, it would be best to consider seeking another mother instead of pretending to be the father of an unwanted child for their potential mother. Because it would be the best way to think about himself and life of her unborn child. 

This extensive article closes by saying that it is not necessary to define oneself for or against something, but live every circumstance present in the manner in which it is presented, avoiding get in position to judge anyone, so to save the discomfort that ensues such distressing situations. 

Society does not need to worry so much about the unborn child but for one who has been born. And among those born children are future mothers and non-mothers. 

Condemn the woman for not wanting to give birth to a child does not serve anyone. No one.

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