To consumerism with conscious.

Since so many different calendars dates have been valid for a single reason, consumption, we thought one way to counter this effect, often harmful, in the only way possible. With consciousness.

It is difficult for someone, who was educated in a civilized way, with manners and diplomatic customs, ventures into the challenging idea of not giving away different items for different reasons to different people.

These gifts are usually shiny, attractive, colorful and with an amazing futility.

But what concerns us here is to reduce the purchase of items that, although provide some utility, it does not justify the damage they cause to the environment and human health, as they do, among others, the majority of children's toys.

Therefore, we thought it a good idea to make a list of gifts-investments, which would not come into dissension with the habits and customs of many people neither with health of anyone, but instead, improves, in someway, the environment we live.

Gifts can be used as a weapon to counter the garbage generated by the festive days.

Here is a short list of examples of these:

Ecological Gifts:
  • LED lamps to replace the traditional mercury lamps.
  • Clay cookware, glass, stainless steel or ceramic ( Note Kitchenware ).
  • Kitchen and / or solar water heaters.
  • Water Filters.
  • Ionizers.
  • Trees and plants.
  • Books-hand information / instructional techniques that improve the environment and / or health.
  • Adopted pets.
Healthy Gifts:
  • Natural food and / or healthy: oils (olive, sesame, chia, flax, grape, etc..) Seeds, nuts, spices, herbs, infusion, rock salt. This is a good gift for the holidays. It can be delivered as a big pack.
  • Sessions massage, reflexology, Reiki, or music therapy.
  • Travel tickets.
  • Artistic events tickets.
  • Ergonomic furnishings.
  • Works of art.
  • With creativity or self-employed, do dedicated composition. A writing, music, sculpture, arrangement, painting, etc..
  •  Fragrances, bath salts, essential oils, etc.
Spiritual Gifts:
  • Forgiveness.
  • Gratitude.
  • Peace.
  • Joy.
  • A prayer-intention-blessing.
  • Embrace.
  • Silence.
Intensely dedicated to those who feel we give them, in the presence or not.

Things to avoid :
  • Wrappers, unnecessary ornaments and plastic bags, including "green".
  • Plastic objects, noisy, useless ornaments, toys with batteries.
  • Give technological devices (phones, tablets, etc) to children.
  • Alcoholic drinks, soda or sweetened ( Effect of sugar and sweeteners ).
  •  Objects that generate costs and / or extra work.
Method :
  • Gather several people for gifts and can give things more expensive and generally more useful than many small cheap stuff.
  • Attend to what things need the recipient and try to meet that need.
  • Evaluate common sense given what we generate.
Of course ConSumaSalud suggests above all, daring to transgress the dominant rules and stop following the custom of giving  for valid reasons and / or commercial.

Awakening the feelings that lead to a transparent and spontaneous proceed that allows us, to arrive to a place with nothing in our hands, because we recognize in ourselves a valuable presence.  

And if the desire of give something to someone comes, that be with a profound and authentic impulse, not forced and / or planned.


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