Good intentions, healthy life.

In ancient times,  sick people was condemning because it thought that diseases were divine punishment for their sinful thoughts or acts (*). So if someone sick, was excluded, discriminated and even socially condemned or expelled from the community.

Something was sensed for people of this time, about diseases, but wrongly condemned to the sick person, and this attitude, at once and without a doubt, caused illnesses and / or diseases.

The ideas and beliefs of a time if refined can be useful. And taking this idea that the disease originates in an environment that could be the thoughts and / or malicious acts, one can take the initiative to begin to detect these low feelings and becoming a witness of them, without condemning or rejecting, thus one can dissociate from them as they are not part of conscious thought.

Conscious thought is the one that gives us health and something definitely not least, freedom.

Cleaning or pollution?

One of the reasons for which are becoming more frequent allergies and other conditions such as headaches, tiredness, dry skin and mucous membranes, is paradoxically due to the desire to disinfect and clean their houses and their bodies, that some people, getting thus polluting home with toxic gases, positive ions and various poisons.

Perhaps the tendency to believe that something is good and if that something is more abundant or more common is better, sometimes cause imbalances that lead to the deterioration and distress, far from benefiting. And this is the case of excessive or obsessive cleaning of the home and body, because it can be very harmful to health.

This is due to several reasons, among which one can mention the fact that the cleaning agents used are generally commercial and have chemical compounds harmful to bacteria and viruses and also to the human body, Not to mention that many have residual effects.

Notion of how the ego becomes detrimental.

There may be many ideas and definitions of what the ego is, depending on what "science" defines it. 

Here we are left with the idea that this is similar to a kernel of an operating system structure that has the information that defines the person and is maintained despite it enters sleep mode.

In a less computer language, we would say that is a collection of thoughts self sustained, constituted of implants and imprints to which the person uses, consciously and / or unconsciously, to define the self that individualize, differentiate and separate from the rest of their peers.

It is not a static structure but is growing and gathering information, structuring and re-defining.

To the extent that the person learns intellectually his ego is taking shape and power.

The problem occurs when this takes the control of the will and fails to identify the times when this occurs.

Water and Nature.

When it comes to health, there may not no talk of an important element of nature as is the water. As humans, we are composed of a high percentage of water, and therefore, it's an important part of the body.

The current problem is not a shortage of water, as this plays a cycle always within the planet (so it seems) and do not finish. This cycle may vary in the ages, benefiting from its presence some areas and / or harming others.

In South America is the largest reservoir of sweet water on the planet, the Guarani Aquifer . this water is what, daily, allows us to quench the thirst, the performance of agriculture, livestock, etc.

Water, in the cycle, search purify itself, through the filtering the different earth's layers, the problem arises when the ground is saturated of not very beneficial chemical that not only prevent proper filtering, but also polluter.

It is therefore important, to the extent that it finds the opportunity, non-polluting activities and exercise, why not, decontaminant.

But beyond the known problem of pollution causing industries, consumerism and agriculture, surely will be reduced to the extent that people become more aware and stop endorsing these practices, water is still good for our body. 


The human body is a community of bacteria, fungi and viruses that coexist without problems in a healthy body, because they are in balance and doing their job for our daily functionality.
These microorganisms play an important role in functions such as nutrition and defense system, among many others. If we were told that there are over 10,000 types of microorganisms coexisting in a healthy body without damaging it would not be very credible, however studies scientists yielded these results.

This is important information that reveals and reinforces the idea of health from equilibrium, where communities of living organisms which live together in harmony and collaboratively bring health to the body.

Although the approach that medicine is given from this situation, is to seek what organisms are better and more suitable for health, from ConSumaSalud are considering that health is the starting balance.

"A deeper understanding of how the ecosystem of a healthy human being will be tremendously valuable to better understand why an unbalanced microbiome is associated with diseases." Dirk Gevers.

A quirky birth.

A little baby that had the immense pleasure of being born straight into the arms of his mother.

Truth that is not easy to get the idea.
Cases of births attended by taxi drivers, policemen, firemen, parents, etc., because the urgency required it met.

Personally, I've never heard a story like of this baby. 

She arrived with hers mother to the clinic where her birth was defined. Once hospitalized, waited in the room until the time of birth seemed to come. 

That's how Mom told Dad to seek the doctor because everything seemed to happen very quickly and she should be moved to the delivery room. 

Sugar and sweeteners.

Habits and social customs are creating damage that seem sometimes irreversible.
Sugar, one of the most common "food" high daily consumption goes unnoticed every day, sneaking in most things consumed.

Children are saturated with sugars in amusement and recreation activities like birthday, where the menu consists of fast food, cakes, sweets, fizzy drinks and in the end, the famous surprises.

Sugar has been imposed on our lives in a firm way that is and will be hard to eradicate it, but it is something that is necessary for the below reasons.
It is common to find supposedly healthy messages in the media that call for reducing salt intake, but nothing is said of the precious sugar.

Table sugar is glucose and fructose. These components are metabolized by the body in different ways, the first is absorbed almost entirely by the organs and the rest is stored in the liver. Glucose can be converted to energy for the cells with the help of insulin. In contrast, fructose is completely metabolized in the liver, which leads to wear it on one side and the other to the generation of waste as uric acid which inhibits the regulatory component of the blood pressure, so you can cause high blood pressure.

Overwork. Is a need?

If there are "symptoms" of our time, these might be, first, the finding "success", where for many people it represents their only reason for living. As subjective as living itself, and though often illusory and almost absurd sense, is wanted as a precious commodity, but ultimately accrues in discomfort.

On the other hand and at the opposite end to the first, is the other symptoms, the survival of the daily struggle against a system that seems to be consuming people very voraciously.

Perhaps it is time to define transcend an era marked with some grays that overshadow the quality and warmth. Starting to really and truly covet the good life that is not based on differentiation, hierarchies, status or fulfill the fantasy of being "special" compared to others.

That said, we can get into one of the aspects that definitely makes the health of many people and could, from one's own will and determination, change it.

Sexuality, society and health.

It is not so usual that the issue of sexuality be analyzed wisely and clearly, so as to provide information to people who casually are sexed and do not usually have too much present this fact and its influence on daily life.

Sexuality is not a feature of a few sexually active, not limited to the sexual act itself, but is much more encompassing even of children.

Everyone who walked this blessed planet we come from sex,if it were not for this we would have no life, there would be no life. It is as vital and important as natural.

Unfortunately, it has been badly treated in different ways, on the one hand, religious morality has led it to a lower and decadent point which dirty and condemns souls , and secondly, have magnified and taken to the point of become it almost mandatory. It marks a rare condition, qualifying encompassing the "cleverness", "intelligence", "superiority", etc.. It is known that any animal or insect (rats, cockroaches, ants, pigs, monkeys, etc.). do not require many skills or qualities to mate. Though some are noteworthy Hummingbird Courtship of spatula.

The psychological work done was so outrageous that becomes hard to regain some of normal.

Game, laughter and adventure.

Children often have a characteristic not always welcomed or understood by adults, this is the energy and vitality they have all the time, from waking up to lying down, unless they suffer some discomfort, that energy seems to never run out. 

It is common to see some malls and businesses have created points of games and entertainment for children, kindergartens and schools also spend unique physical space for children to play and have fun.
But what about at home?, Is there a place intended for them, their energy and curiosity?.