What sense is planted and feeds obviously the idea of victimhood of a sex subdued by another?, as if we were in the middle ages and had not already scientific studies that explain the mechanics of phenomena such as violence in some people discounting that this is not exclusively male.
Violence is expressed in a very personal, depending on the mental and physical characteristics of the individual.
Women often have a more delicate physical and less physical strength because their femininity dissipated interest in developing these capabilities that do develop naturally and artificially many men and of course, some women also.
Not necessarily a man, who is conscious of his physical strength greater than the woman, abused. Most common fact is that man tend to protect and use his physical capabilities (if he has) to benefit for women.
Violence is expressed in a very personal, depending on the mental and physical characteristics of the individual.
Women often have a more delicate physical and less physical strength because their femininity dissipated interest in developing these capabilities that do develop naturally and artificially many men and of course, some women also.
Not necessarily a man, who is conscious of his physical strength greater than the woman, abused. Most common fact is that man tend to protect and use his physical capabilities (if he has) to benefit for women.